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  • Branko Mikić's avatar
    ~ getLinkID() implemented which extends getLinkMAC() function. In case of... · 3eb05a9f
    Branko Mikić authored
    ~ getLinkID() implemented which extends getLinkMAC() function. In case of virtual network interfaces no appropriate ID was returned. getLinkID() returns a hash of the interface name instead of an empty MAC identifer when no MAC address is available. Further the MAC address is now obtained from the /sys/class/net/* path instead of calling ip command plus expensive grep'ing.
    ~ getLinkMac() was revised to just return a the MAC address. Additionally it provides a return code for successful retrieval of a MAC address.
    ~ The ALLOW_DHCPV6_CLIENT call was revised to handle IPv4 protocol too and has been renamed to ALLOW_DHCP_CLIENT accordingly.